• Free design consultation in your home to discuss your goals

    • Includes general advice, ideas and ballpark estimates 

  • Basic design agreement and deposit-design work, drafting and meetings are at an hourly rate

    • We measure the relevant parts of your home and draw an existing model

    • We meet in our office or over Zoom to show you a 3D model with options

    • We get your feedback and make sure the plan is right for you and your budget

    • We give you a more accurate estimation of cost and time to finish

  • With completion of the design we can enter into a contract

    • We complete the construction drawings for permitting

    • You meet your job supervisor and their assistant 

    • They help you with selections like fixtures, appliances and flooring

    • When the permit is issued, we start the work!

See more detail……


Our initial meeting with you will take place at your home, so we have first-hand knowledge of your existing living situation. There will be no charge for this consultation. House plans, sketches and surveys are helpful but not necessary. 

We will walk through your house with you and listen to your ideas, needs and desires, and discuss practical solutions to renovate your home to accommodate the spaces you need.  We will consider features that will turn your home into a beautiful and more comfortable place to live.

As a design/build firm, we have ample information of construction costs, and we will give you approximate costs for the various aspects of the project. If it feels comfortable and appropriate, we can enter into a simple design agreement to take the next steps.


After establishing the parameters and dimensions of your existing home, our design team will get to work.  We will lay out room spaces and/or interior changes, looking for the ideal plan to accommodate the functions and esthetics for your home.  Working in 3D, the exterior design/additions will be simultaneously created along with the floor plan.

You will meet with us again to review the plans.  At that point you may make changes and adjustments as needed. Sometimes these can be made during the meeting for you to view. We will also offer our best approximation as to the building costs involved.

From there you may take some time on your own to consider the drawings and possible options.  We will continue this process until we all agree that we have found the solutions and best design to create your new space and improvements.


In the next step, we will prepare a contract to build/renovate, with budget amounts for all items and categories involved in the construction, including a percentage contractor fee, comprising the total cost to build. Of course, there will be decisions and choices during construction which will result in being under or over the budget amounts, and we will accommodate any changes that you may request. All charges will be billed at our direct costs plus our percentage fee, and you will have access to all of our invoices from subcontractors and suppliers.


Upon signing the contract, we will begin the process of drafting construction plans with all required documents to apply for the building permits. We will meet at your home with your job supervisor who will manage the project, and their assistant, who will help with the selections process. Before any removal or construction, the unaffected areas will be closed off or protected, and our team will begin performing the work to transform your home.